August 19 is National Potato Day!
One potato, two potato, three potato, four
Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more.
The rhyme has been recorded in a large number of variants, but often consists of or starts with these lines.
The Dictionary of English Folklore lists the rhyme as "common all over Britain, USA, Canada and Australia". Its origins are unknown, but there seems to be no record earlier than 1885, when it was noted in Nova Scotia, Canada.
8000 BC - Potato One - The Inca in Peru are the first in the world to cultivate potatoes.
1536 - Arrival in Europe - The potato arrived in Europe after the Spanish conquistadors brought it back from the New World. It was initially cultivated as a botanical curiosity, grown in royal gardens and showcased as an exotic plant.
1588 - Introduction to Ireland - The potato arrived in Europe after the Spanish conquistadors brought it back from the New World. It was initially cultivated as a botanical curiosity, grown in royal gardens and showcased as an exotic plant.
1774 - Discovery of Nutritional Value - Antoine-Auguste Parmentier, a French agronomist, promoted the potato's nutritional value and potential to combat famine. He popularized it by holding dinners where all dishes were made from potatoes, even desserts. Parmentier's efforts helped overcome resistance to this new crop.
1802 - Presidential Potatoes - Thomas Jefferson serves French-fried potatoes at the White House.
1845 - Great Potato Famine - Ireland suffered from the devastating Great Potato Famine, caused by a disease called late blight. The failure of the potato crop resulted in widespread starvation, disease, and mass emigration. The event had a profound impact on Irish history and migration to other countries.
1951 - Fiery Potato Batteries - During the Cold War, research at Bell Laboratories led to the creation of a potato battery. They discovered that potatoes could power small electrical devices like clocks. These potato batteries offered a unique alternative for remote areas or in emergencies.
1898 - Potato Chips Invention - During the Cold War, research at Bell Laboratories led to the creation of a potato battery. They discovered that potatoes could power small electrical devices like clocks. These potato batteries offered a unique alternative for remote areas or in emergencies.
1995 - Potatoes in Space! - NASA and University of Wisconsin partner to make the potato first vegetable grown in space.
1995 - First Genetically Modified Potato - The first genetically modified (GM) potato, the NewLeaf potato, was developed. It contained a gene from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) to protect it from potato beetle pests. GM potatoes have since sparked debates about food safety and ethics.
2008 - International Year of the Potato - The United Nations declared 2008 as the International Year of the Potato to highlight the importance of this versatile and widely consumed crop in fighting hunger and poverty worldwide. It aimed to raise awareness about sustainable potato-based systems.
Come and join the early morning Crew of Brew for our latest event and get ready to start the work week with a smiley.
Log books are not required for events.
During particularly unpleasant weather, we will meet inside the deli.
When: Mondays from 5:45 to 6:15 AM, Except Federal Holidays
Where: Parking lot of Junction Deli