This geocache has been placed on private property with the approval
of the property owners. Please respect their property and their
privacy -- don't trample the gardens or search for this cache after
dark! This is an extra-fun place for kids and families to visit
during the summer and fall, but the cache will be available
year-round, even when the nearby farm stand is closed.
Due to the nature of this cache, it may move around a bit during
the year within a radius of 50 metres or so. The hint will give you
the location if you can't find the cache, and the owner will be
happy to help out with some helpful tips as well if she's on
You'll be looking for a camoflage patterned sack with a special
geocache hidden inside -- a plastic Jack-O-Lantern ready for you to
decorate. Inside the pumpkin, you'll find a ziplock bag with some
different coloured Sharpie pens but no logbook -- the pumpkin
is the logbook!! Just sign the pumpkin with your geocaching
name and the date, or you can also draw part of the pumpkin's face
if you want to be creative. Be sure to put the Sharpies back in the
bag when you're done so they are there for the next geocacher, and
close the lid tight on the pumpkin.
You'll also find a lock & lock box inside the pumpkin filled
with goodies for kids of all ages. There's a new CITO T-shirt
inside for the FTF, size large (I also have an XL if you
Be sure to wave at Half-Canadian when you drive across the
bridge onto Westham Island...I'll be watching you!