Caption Contest 35 – Win a Barely Coveted Prize

“mommy, what can we trade for the furry kitty?” — kthoms0319

Ever find a geocache to only stumble on a bigger surprise? Formulate your most creative caption for this picture. You could win a ‘barely coveted prize’ in the 35th Caption Contest. This picture was originally posted on the official Facebook page. Special thanks to geocacher Beverly Six for use of the picture.

What caption would you write for the picture at the top of this post? Submit your caption by clicking on “Comments” below. Please include your username in all entries. Then, explore the captions other geocachers have posted.

Barely Coveted Prize

Try to ‘influence’ the voting process (*nudge*nudge*). “Like” the caption that you think should win. If you think your caption should win, convince your fellow geocachers, your friends, and family to “like” your caption. Lackeys vote from the top finalists to decide the winner of the contest.

The winner receives this month’s ‘barely coveted prize.’ The prize is a selection of swag from this swag.

Click on the image to discover the winner from this Caption Contest

More than 20 Lackeys voted to award the winner of the 34th Caption Contest a barely coveted prize. Click on the image to your right to read the winning caption of that contest.

Explore all the winning captions by checking out all the Caption Contests. If you have suggestions for Caption Contest photos, send a message and the image to

  1. Hey!  That’s my suitcase.  I’ve already booked this room.  Go find your own.

  2. I’m the “Official” Geocache counter, Plse leave your trailname and date the Log. Additionally any snackables you have will be appreciated! Thank you for your participation.

  3. This little guy will negotiate for something shiny, but don’t even think about stealing his cache. 

  4. Now I get the name of the cache, “Where’s Animal Control When You Need Them The Most?”

  5. Hey Muggle – Camouflage – I am a hermit crab and this is my shell – T1 D5 – *FTF* – In: Me – Out: Stuff – Trade: Do not trade furs – TFTC, R. Coon

  6. We zijn gewend dat caches vaak beweaakt worden door slakken, pissebedden, kevers en mieren. Sommigen cache-owners hebben daar echter onvoldoende vertrouwen in en schakelen grover geschut in.

  7. I’ve been watching humans coming to visit this little box, so I figure if I sit here beside it long enough, someone will come to visit ME. 

  8. “…Then they just left me here and took something out of that box right there…”

  9. You better have brought a better snack than the last guy!  This thing tastes like plastic.

  10. I know the attribute was dangerous animals  but this has to lead me to the final.

    Ow3n and friends

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