Four reasons to host an Event this year

Event Caches are one of the many things that make geocaching such an incredible game. These gatherings offer geocachers a chance to get to know other players and share stories and caching tips. Attending an Event is always fun, but hosting one is even more rewarding—particularly this year when it helps you qualify to receive a 2025 Community Celebration Event (CCE). Read on for four reasons to host an Event this year.

1. Build community and friendships
When you attend an Event you often add to your friend count as well as your find count! If you don’t know many other cachers in your area or you’re looking for a geocaching community, hosting an Event is a great way to meet others in your area and put faces to the usernames of the Found it logs you’ve seen on nearby caches. Start hosting Events and you’ll have a new caching crew before you know it!

2. Qualify for a 2025 Community Celebration Event (CCE)
One of the ways we’re celebrating the upcoming 25th year of geocaching is by bringing back CCEs. These special Event Caches allow players to celebrate milestone years in geocaching. In order to host one, cachers must meet certain criteria, including hosting at least one Event (including CITOs) between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024. Host an Event this year and become eligible to host a celebratory CCE in 2025!

3. Plan future cache outings
If you like geocaching in groups and you like to plan ahead, hosting an Event is a good thing to add to your geocaching plans for this year. Conversations at Events often turn to discussions of which cool nearby hides other caches have or haven’t found and the next thing you know some attendees are drafting plans for when to get together and turn those hides into finds.

4. Sharpen your geocaching skills
Hosting an Event is also a good idea if you want to learn from other geocachers. If you come to the Event with questions about how to solve Mystery Caches or what Tools of the Trade are the most useful, you’re likely to find answers to those questions from attendees.

What’s your favorite part of hosting an Event? Let us know in the comments below!

Genevieve is a Marketing Manager at Geocaching HQ.