If X marks the spot… then what does a soda machine mean?
You wouldn’t be the first geocacher to ask this question about this seafairing hide! Pop open a can of tasty Cache-Cola and listen as we tell the tale of Captain Haxton’s Treasure (GCAEZD2)!
If X marks the spot… then what does a soda machine mean?
You wouldn’t be the first geocacher to ask this question about this seafairing hide! Pop open a can of tasty Cache-Cola and listen as we tell the tale of Captain Haxton’s Treasure (GCAEZD2)!
We’ve gathered some statistics that showcase the accomplishments of the geocaching community in 2024. Let’s look back and celebrate the highlights of this remarkable year together!
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The holidays are a time of joy and cheer. No matter the time of year, holidays can connect us to our culture and traditions.
With December’s hiding theme, geocaching becomes a part of those traditions. This month, we received so many outstanding cache nominations that we can’t help but celebrate! Take a look at some of our favorites in this festive feature:
The holidays are a magical time. There are lights twinkling, cheer all around, and, best of all, ugly holiday sweaters.
The tradition of this festive fashion phenomenon may have developed slowly over the past few decades, but it’s become a holiday season must in recent years. Ugly sweaters, or “jumpers,” often include holiday-themed patterns and baubles—the uglier, the better.
Each week, we highlight a diverse array of geocaches from around the globe. This year was a treasure trove of unique finds, from a birthday cake-inspired geocache in Belgium to a room filled with petlings in Germany and a historic railroad in San Marino. The variety is bound to pique your interest and keep you on the edge of your seat.
We looked at the geocaches you liked most on our blog, Facebook, and Twitter and also considered factors such as creativity, uniqueness, and, of course, good photos to assemble a list of the top 8. Let us know your favorites: