Geocaching adventures in Las Vegas

By Jen Pearce, Geocaching HQ Employee

Have you been to Seattle, home of Geocaching HQ, in the winter time? It rains here — a LOT and we just had our wettest winter on record. Many Seattleites try to visit sunnier climates during this season, and the employees at HQ are no different. So where to?

Factoring in our limited time (a weekend), our shared interest (geocaching), and our greatest desire (to see the sun), we decided to go to Las Vegas, Nevada!

Our first stop was Route 66, a historic highway that runs from Chicago, IL to Santa Monica, CA. The highway fell out of use in the 80s when the Interstate Highway System was created, leaving behind ample, rarely-disturbed space for geocaches.

“Bruning” (made popular by one of our beloved Portuguese reviewers).
“Bruning” (made popular by one of our beloved Portuguese reviewers).

Our next stop was Hofbräuhaus Beer Hall for GC6BJG6, an Event Cache to meet up with local and visiting geocachers in Las Vegas.

Group shot! Not pictured: The 4 Musketeers (composed of Huntersam, Necrolink, Cedestelle, and Comètes) who came all the way from France.
Group shot! Not pictured: The 4 Musketeers (composed of Huntersam, Necrolink, Cedestelle, and Comètes) who came all the way from France.

Our last stop was the Valley of Fire, Nevada’s oldest and largest state park.


The park is home to petroglyphs, gorgeous red sandstone ranges, EarthCaches, and the final resting place of Captain Kirk from the movie Star Trek: Generations.

The peak seen in the movie is called Silica Dome, which also happens to host GC4Z3F6: an EarthCache by Landondena. There is an “easy” way to reach the dome and a “hard” way — we took the hard way.

Other notable EarthCaches (and a Virtual!) we found within the park: GC1PPNP, GC1PPNG, GCH723 (limited time meant leaving the park before we found all of the caches).


The next time you venture through Nevada, keep an eye out for the Lackeys on Tour stamp in the local logs.

HQ'ers were here.
HQ’ers were here.

Until next time…

Left to right: itschautime, Heather Feather, Love, oceansazul, catfax, Moun10Bike, and Sassy Bandit
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