GoLI’s Cache Machine — Geocache of the Week

by GeocachersofLI
New York, United States
N 40° 46.694 W 073° 27.991

Do you need some cache? Look no further than GoLI’s Cache Machine (GC928RV)! While this Geocache of the Week won’t give you any cash, finding it is sure to make you feel like a million bucks!

As you approach GZ, you wonder where a large geocache could be hidden in this suburban environment. The geocache description states that the cache has the property owner’s permission, so feel free to look around the area. After a few minutes, you notice something that looks out of place. What you had thought was an ATM has a note on the top which states, “This is not a real ATM!” If it’s not a cash machine, it must be a…cache machine!

Image by swed31.

Just because you found the geocache does not mean the fun is over! This gadget cache requires the completion of a five-step field puzzle to access the log. First, turn on the machine. A screen lights up, and a question appears. Use your geo-senses to answer the question. In return, a code appears on the screen to unlock a lock box.

Image by porkchop0911.

Inside the lock box is an unusual TOTT (Tool of the Trade) that fits perfectly with the theme of the cache. Use the TOTT to decipher a four-digit PIN. Just like when you withdraw cash from a real ATM, enter the PIN on the keypad. After the completion of one final puzzle, the logbook is finally in hand!

Image by Moosie71.

After you sign the log, trade some SWAG (Stuff We All Get,) swap a few trackables, and discover the permanent trackable inside the cache. Finally, return everything just as you found it, lock the container, and turn off the machine. Just like that, you are one cache find richer!

Image by CP590.

Continue to explore some of the most amazing geocaches around the world. Check out all of the Geocaches of the Week on the Geocaching blog. If you would like to nominate a Geocache of the Week, fill out this form.

Dana is a Community Coordinator at Geocaching HQ. If Dana isn't out geocaching, she is probably snuggling with her cat, drinking coffee, and daydreaming about her next trip to Germany.