Squeaky’s Heart—Geocache of the Week

by SneakySqueaky
South Australia, Australia
S 34° 57.707 E 138° 39.048

If you had the key to my heart, would you keep it somewhere safe? Now… what if that key was also to a geocache?

We’re going on an epic quest for love for this special Valentine’s Day Geocache of the Week! Will you find the key to Squeaky’s Heart (GC30VDY)?

We’ve all been there. After a heartbreak, it’s natural to lock your heart away and hide the key. But geocache owner SneakySqueaky decided to take this metaphor a bit more literally.

Recounting the creation of their cache, they state, “I wasn’t gonna make it easy for people to find… just like I wasn’t gonna make it easy for people to break my heart again.” And with that, Squeaky’s Heart was born.

We know this sounds like a tale of heartbreak, geocachers, but we promise this story has a happy ending!

Image by SneakySqueaky.

Finding Squeaky’s Heart is simple: find the key. The part that’s not so easy? The “key” is actually a trackable that could be in a different geocache at any given time!

Luckily, Squeaky helps by providing the trackable identification code on the cache listing. Given that TB411R9 could be in any cache in Adelaide, South Australia, it might be a while before you chance upon it. We never said the quest for love would be easy!

Image by Uni and Medusa.

Once you’ve located the key, you will find the remaining coordinates that will take you to Squeaky’s Heart. You’re almost there! Remember to bring the key; you’ll still need it to open the cache.

We recommend sharing the fun with your beloved companions—geocachers, canines, or otherwise. With a 3.5 terrain rating signifying a steep hill at GZ, this next part will be a little bit of tough love, and you may need the extra hand.

Image by SneakySqueaky.

With your updated coordinates and the key to Squeaky’s Heart in hand, you make your way up the ridge and to GZ.

From this new height, you may feel like you’re on cloud nine—especially when you spot the cache! Trust us, it’s pretty hard to miss this one. SneakySqueaky recounts, “Just in case you thought you would miss it at the request of the geocacher CPwanderer I made it bright pink.” Complete with painted hearts to match, this cache will get you feeling in the Valentine’s Day spirit.

Image by Brad&Janet.

Sign your username with hearts abound, and don’t forget to consider the matching Favorite point if you enjoyed the cache!

Though this geocache may have started with a broken heart, it has since become a sweet success. With 90 finds and 42 Favorite points, it’s clear that geocachers LOVE Squeaky’s Heart!

From the cache owner themselves, “Today this geocache continues to bring smiles to people’s faces and is still going strong after 13 years.” If the love of the geocaching community doesn’t help heal heartbreak, we don’t know what does.

Continue to explore some of the most amazing geocaches around the world. Check out all of the Geocaches of the Week on the Geocaching blog. If you would like to nominate a Geocache of the Week, fill out this form.

Nikki is a Community Manager at Geocaching HQ. Her specialties include making cheesy puns, talking endlessly about coffee, and being the only Californian who enjoys rain. She is passionate about geocaching and loves that it brings communities together.