The Director’s Travel Bug Hotel (GC3MFAD) — Geocache of the Week


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The birdhouse – 9 bedrooms available!

Geocache Name:

The Director’s Travel Bug Hotel (GC3MFAD) by Woodnutt


Alabama, United States

Difficulty/Terrain Rating:

D1.5 / T1.5

Why this is Geocache of the Week:

GC3MFAD is disguised as a multi-level birdhouse, which, on its own, isn’t that unusual for a geocache. The casual observer might notice the birdhouse is a little high up…seven or eight feet off the ground, at least. A muggle probably wouldn’t think twice about that fact, but the geocacher—who realizes this must be the geocache, is presented with the problem of reaching it.

Geocachers realize the genius of this cache the moment they figure out how to lower it to the ground. At the base of the pole in a second wooden box is a small crank. When turned in the right direction, a box descends from inside the birdhouse ‘shell’. This is the Director’s Travel Bug Hotel. According to the cache page, this geocache is “by far the best Hotel in Pintlala, Alabama” and “the staff might be someone you recognize but they are not travelers and do not want to go for a ride. They are here to help the guest enjoy their time while staying here.”

It’s the perfect blend of a gadget cache and a roomy and well-crafted Travel Bug Hotel. Should you be lucky enough to be passing nearby, it’s worth the visit. Take care when lowering the unit—it is full of sleeping guests, after all.

The cache fully revealed.

What geocachers have to say:

“Out on a cache run with CaverScott. This was the start of our day. This was a great find. I love how this has been put together and how it works. Worth at least one favorite point. Thanks for the fun and the smiley!” –autigerman

“Wow. There was definitely a lot of work put into making this cache. I love that people drive by every day and don’t even know it’s there. Kudos for your awesome workmanship and for maintaining this. There were no travel bugs inside, but we signed the log and enjoyed the characters visiting the hotel. Great shape. Well crafted. TFTH!” –hoosiersunshine

“It is always a joy to find a Woodnutt cache, and with 99 favorite points we knew this one was not to be missed. I saved the two travelers I had for a nice stay at this quality hotel. Such fun! I am honored to add favorite point #100. CITO tftc” –tleu

What the Cache Owner, Woodnutt, has to say:

How did you first come up with the idea for this type of hide?
“A lot of my ideas come when I am traveling, which I do a lot for work.  My mind wanders trying to come up with new and different ways to do things.  I like birdhouses and have a number of them as caches and this is just another type of birdhouse.”

Was building the cache a difficult process?
“Building it was not a difficult process, I have a nice workshop with a lot of tools and I enjoy woodworking very much.”

Do you ever see birds landing on the cache?
“I have seen some birds on top of the cache but not a lot.”

What’s been your reaction to all of the nice logs and Favorite Points?
“I have always read all logs on my caches. It is one of my favorite parts of owning caches. It is always nice and rewarding when someone appreciates the work and enjoys the cache. The favorite points are nice.”

Is there anything you’d like to say to the geocaching community?
“Lately I have been very frustrated by some caches that have destroyed a cache with an ax when they could not figure out the on site puzzle cache but this is a game, not everyone enjoys the same thing but one can make geocaching what they want. You can go for numbers, you can go for puzzles, you can do FTF or whatever it is you like; most important is to enjoy what you are doing and respect others as well.”


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The cache, looking pretty birdhouse-y in it’s normal state.
The hand crank elevator mechanism.
The TB hotel descending from the bowels of the birdhouse.
All the way down.
The TB hotel is open for business!
Time to put a “No Vacancy” sign up?
The front desk staff are happy to see you.

Continue to explore some of the coolest gadget caches around the world. Check out all of the Geocaches of the Week on the Geocaching blog. If you would like to nominate a Geocache of the Week, fill out this form.