Größter Cachebehälter Österreichs? (GC35Q1C) — Geocache of the Week


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Geocache Name:

Größter Cachebehälter Österreichs? by artig&hold

Difficulty/Terrain Rating:


Why this is the Geocache of the Week:

“Größter Cachebehälter Österreichs” means Biggest Cache Container in Austria…which this one may very well be, depending on how you define ‘cache container’.  Geocachers who arrive at GZ find themselves standing in front of wood-gated door in an old brick wall. Hidden somewhere nearby is the trick to unlocking the door, after which is you follow a set of narrow stone stairs that descend down to blackness.

Depending on what kind of geocacher you are, it’s either eerie or exciting (or maybe a bit of both) to climb down those stairs, but geocachers who do are treated to a first class logging experience. At the bottom of the stairs is an old wine cellar, now home to an old desk and chair, an assortment of drippy candles, various swag items, and of course…the logbook. If you listen carefully you may hear the ghost of a pinot noir calling you from the darkest corners of the cellar.

What geocachers have to say:

“Einen Cache dieser Art habe ich noch nie gesehen: begehbar, sehr geräumig und wohltemperiert. Wirklich etwas Besonderes und einen kleinen Umweg wert.” –sunflower2012
I’ve never seen a geocache like this one: accessible, spacious, and of a comfortable temperature. Really something special, and totally worth a small detour. 

“Von diesem Cache hatte ich schon gehört… heute war ich endlich mal in der Nähe und wollte mir diesen nicht entgehen lassen. Nach einer kurzen Suche wusste ich auch wie ich hineinkomme 😉 Das war wirklich eine willkommende Abkühlung heute! Schön gemacht! Ich nehme einen Coin mit auf die Reise und hinterlasse einen FP! Danke für´s “Verstecken”, Zeigen und Herrichten sagen Die Glücksmagneten.” –Die Glücksmagneten
I’d heard about this cache…today I was finally in the area and couldn’t miss it. After a short search I figured out how to get inside. This was really a welcome cooling-off today! I’m taking a coin with me on my travels, and leaving behind a favorite point! Thank you for “hiding”, sharing, and organizing.”

“Ich war schon sehr neugierig und konnte es kaum erwarten den Cache zu finden. Und dann diese Überraschung. So toll und schön gemacht. War mir eine Ehre mich hier zu verewigen. Bekommt auf jeden Fall einen ganz dicken Favi.” –Ellanna
I was very curious about this cache and could hardly wait to find it. And then this surprise! So amazing and well-made. It was an honor to be here. Absolutely getting a big fat favorite point.

What the cache owner has to say:

What inspired you to hide the cache here?
We always wanted to make some kind of a special cache. Not another film canister behind a traffic sign. 😉 We then had the opportunity to buy this small property opposite of our own wine cellar. And there was this damaged old wine cellar on it. As we did not want this old wine cellar to get completely rotten, so we renovated it. We had no real need for it, so my wife and me decided to try to make a cache out of it. We always sad, as long as no one damages something we will have a cache there. Just once we had some children finding the way to enter the cache and they spread the log book, but it was easy to repair it. And a other funny story happened when a cacher found the key to another wine cellar in the area, but that is another story. We have now some years without damage, and the cache is still alive.

How old is the cellar in which the cache is hidden? Are there many in the area?
No one knows how old those wine cellars are. In former days in our area nearly every house of a village had its own wine cellar. So there are quite some in the area. The local farmers dug them in winter time, but it was not written down when and from whom. The estimation is that they are some 200-300 of years old.

What has been your reaction to all of the nice logs and Favorite Points?
Of course it is a big pleasure to read all those nice logs and the see the Favourite Points coming in. ☺

Is there anything you’d like to say to the geocaching community?
We hope to see many more cachers visiting our cache. If you see some people opposite of the cache – don’t be shy it’s maybe us. If we are there we are happy to have some glass of wine and a chat with you!



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Some cache owners go above and beyond to make finding and logging their cache an experience. What’s your best experience?

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Alex is a Community Volunteer Support Coordinator at Geocaching HQ. When things get crazy, she sends in the big puns.