Announcing the 2023 hider souvenir 🗓️
For 2022 The Year of the Hide, we introduced the 2022 hider souvenir for cachers who helped the community refresh and revitalize the game board. It’s the first year we’ve awarded a hider souvenir for caches published from March until December. To commemorate the occasion, we’ve decided to award the souvenir to everyone who hid a cache or hosted an Event in all of 2022—January and February included.
But celebrating the amazing hides of 2022 doesn’t mean that hiding in 2023 isn’t equally important. Introducing the 2023 hider souvenir, available starting January 1st, 2023, for everyone placing a new geocache or hosting an Event Cache that is published in 2023!
Yes, 2023 isn’t the year of the hide, but we here at HQ understand the importance of recognizing the ongoing community contributions toward revitalizing the gameboard, and inspiring awe and wonder with your creations, year after year. That being said, remember that it never hurts to remain informed on the geocache hiding guidelines, and keep some central information in mind going into this exciting new year:
- The northern hemisphere will soon be besieged by winter, so hosting an Event is your best bet for earning this souvenir in a timely manner— you won’t have to wait for Spring’s thaw for a traditional hide, you’ll be ahead of the souvenir earning curve, and it’s an excellent way to interact with your local geocaching community! Plus you could always hide a Traditional Cache in the summertime for good measure. 👀
- If you hid a cache in 2022 or earlier, first of all, thank you for making this game we all love possible! Secondly, hiding additional caches doesn’t necessarily mean extra commitment. If you think of a better use of a current hiding location, or a component of one of your existing caches, repurpose it for a new and improved caching experience, and earn the souvenir. Just don’t forget to archive the previous one!
- Lastly, stay informed! It’s best to find 20 caches before hiding your own, and to keep caching in anticipation of your next hide so you can stay on top of what the community is most challenged and excited by.
You all made this past year awesome, and we look forward to seeing all the caches our fellow geocachers will hide in 2023—just be sure to show off your creations on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok with #2023hider!