GeoTour GA52: Heel Gesleutel 2 — Geocache of the Week

by Hewo
Noord-Holland, Netherlands
N 52° 17.410′ E 005° 15.449′

Keys not only unlock doors and locks but also stories and memories. This Geocache of the Week (GC9223F) will take patience and skills to find the perfect key to unlock the geocache; it’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.

Nestled in a quiet little park in the charming city of Huizen is one of 60 geocaches in the Garden of Amsterdam GeoTour (GT5B). Upon entering the park and arriving at GZ, a larger-than-life statue casts a shadow on each new visitor. This is not just any statue; upon further inspection, it’s a person walking with thousands of keys on rings chained to the stilts underneath their feet.

Image by Delftwing.

The geocache’s name makes more sense now, with all the keys dangling within reach. This is where patience comes into play. Where to begin the search? A light breeze blows all around, and the sound of keys jingles in the air.

Image by Teckel Titus.

Without any hints on the cache page to help direct the search, it’s all up to luck and determination. The cache is no match for a geocacher; intuition kicks in, and the search begins. After minutes of scouring every key ring from top to bottom and left to right, something stands out.

Image by m_gc_nl on Instagram.

The cache! Carefully remove the cache and sign the logbook; it’s well deserved! The CO Hewo asks each geocacher to return the cache just as they found it, as this is a high-traffic area and can be spotted easily by wandering eyes.

Image by m_gc_nl on Instagram.

The artist Rob Logister gave the following meaning to the statue:

“Keys can lock doors but also open doors
Keys can imprison or set free
Keys can restrict or give freedom”

Continue to explore some of the most amazing geocaches around the world. Check out all of the Geocaches of the Week on the Geocaching blog. If you would like to nominate a Geocache of the Week, fill out this form.

Mackenzie is a Senior Community Manager at Geocaching HQ. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest she loves finding new geocaches and exploring the area. You will typically find her out on the coast discovering new lighthouses.