CITO Season 1 Halftime Show!

From pulling ivy to planting trees, cleaning beaches to carrying frogs, when geocachers CITO, they make their communities a better place. Collectively, these small actions can make a big difference worldwide.

Check out these recent Cache In Trash Out® Events from around the world and get inspired to host or attend a CITO in your area.

1. GCAKMV4—Kersenbloesem CITO

Image by MVAlmeriaantje.
Image by M.B.E.S..

“Rain showers bring flowers.” Apparently, rain brings geocachers too. Despite the rain, geocachers picked up litter, admired the flowers, and enjoyed each other’s company in Almere, Netherlands.

2. GCAKWBF—Rostocker Frühlings-Cito 2024

Image by Nordish by Nature.
Image by Nordish by Nature.

Many hands made light work as geocachers narrowly avoided the rain to collect garbage along the Unterwarnow River in Germany.

3. GCAJDT6—Lucky Clovers Green CITO – St Paddy’s Day

Image by acadianpie.
Image by acadianpie.

No rainbows in sight on this sunny day, but geocachers were on the lookout for four-leaf clovers and pots of gold as they pulled invasive plants like ivy and blackberry at this St. Patrick’s Day CITO in British Columbia, Canada.

4. GCAKGQY—Huldenbergse CITO #16

Image by Spencer18047.
Image by Spencer18047.

Mud and water are no deterrent for daring geocachers! Attendees of this CITO in Belgium put on waders and boots to clean up the IJse River.

5. GCAKZM2—Plantada popular al Riu Francolí

Image by Santi i Miriam.
Image by pana-57.

Further south, geocachers braved the sun and heat to remove invasive reeds and plant native trees in Puigdelfí, Spain.

6. GCAJMBK—Clean the World – Malta Edition

Image by FrauOrientierungslos.
Image by SirWolfen.

High winds and rough seas didn’t stop these geocachers from cleaning up a beach in Malta. We’re blown away by their dedication!

7. GCAJ9JV—High T in the Kallang Basin (CITO)

Image by gladandren.
Image by cornishcay.

This Event holds the record for Singapore’s first floating CITO! Geocachers geared up with kayaks, life jackets, and sunscreen to clean up Kallang Basin.

8. GCAKYBA—Žabji večer / Frog evening 2024: Maribor 🐸

Image by NiSEM.
Image by NiSEM.
Image by kleeblattl.

Since 2018, this CITO Event series has been making a splash in Slovenia. Each spring, locals gather at nearby ponds and wetlands to help frogs cross busy roadways. Why did Signal the Frog® cross the road? To attend the CITO, of course!

CITO 2024 Season 1 ends May 31! Join the 7,000 geocachers around the world who have already attended a CITO Event in 2024 and earn your Season 1 souvenir.

How will you CITO this year?

To learn more about CITO and how to get involved, visit

Did you attend or host a CITO Event? We want to hear about your experience! Share your photos and videos on social media, and tag us!

#geocaching #trashtag #CITO

Emma is a Community Coordinator at Geocaching HQ. Emma loves all things weird in the woods from ferns to fungi, bugs to slugs!