Give peace a chance, if you dare. The 41 caches in the series of Mystery Caches appears as a peace sign in the middle of a Washington State lake.

Give peace a chance, if you dare. The 41 caches in the series of Mystery Caches appears as a peace sign in the middle of a Washington State lake.
This British Columbia geocache stares down adventures. BUT What would you write as the caption to GCZV5Y? “I didn’t know trees needed prescription eye wear?” or “I wonder if this evergreen can’t see the forest for the trees?” You can do better. The winner receives the coveted limited edition and much sought-after lapel pin (retail value $2.99).
Please include your geocaching username in all entries. Winner will be chosen by an ad hoc committee of Lackeys.
I’ve thought about how to rule the universe since I started writing this sentence. I’m therefore an expert. I believe it takes only four types of people. (Are you writing notes?) 1) The Genius 2) The Champion 3) The Mad Scientist and 4) People Who Really Really Like Each Other
We’re traveling around the world shooting videos showcasing the best of geocaching. On a trip to Texas to shoot video for’s Lost and Found stories, we met all four types of people. Watch out universe.
The genius is Mikal Hart. He invented a device that’ll change the face of geocaching by putting the game in reverse. Hard to imagine? It’s not for a genius, and soon it won’t be hard to imagine for the rest of us.
The Mad Scientist is Richard Garriott, the best type of mad scientist. His innovative video games like Ultima kept us entertained and on the edge of madness for decades. He not only went to extremes, like space and the ocean floor, to place the highest and lowest caches. Garriott is also about to launch one of the most imaginative (and potentially frightening) caches on earth.
The Champion is known as Mrs. B. She’s a school teacher in McKinney, Texas. Mrs. B is using geocaching to teach her 5th graders about coordinates, distance, geography, math and interactive learning. The kids love her and learning, and that’s tough.
The final and possibly most important type of people are those that really really like each other. Dillar and Karen are those people. Karen proposed to Dillar by using stealth and their favorite hobby, geocaching. Dillar unsuspectingly opened the cache “All the little things I love” and by the time the cache closed, was engaged.
Yeah, watch out universe they’re all in Texas. Thankfully I believe they don’t want the administrative hassle of running the universe. Imagine the paperwork, the meetings, the power mongering. If you want to watch their stories (and others) you don’t have to wait long. Lost and Found launches this May.
So, your TV stops working. Just stops. What do you do? You take the 42″ TV to your pristine local park. You quickly swivel your head around. There’s no one there. Then you clumsily dump the TV in the deep brush. Done. Maybe it’s biodegradable?!?!
Wait. Wait. Wait. That’s not YOU. You’re the person who’s waist deep in thorny brush pulling out the battered (and NOT biodegradable) TV. And there’s also a lawnmower and another TV and even more trash. Whew.
You’re not alone. Thousands of Geocachers around the world took the weekend of the April 24 th and 25th to clean their local parks and trails. It’s called Cache In Trash Out (CITO). It’s a little payback for what has been a couple pretty rough centuries for ol’ Mother Nature. And we’ve seen what happens when Mother Nature doesn’t get the respect she deserves – cue the volcano.
Good choice in helping cleanup the place. If you didn’t help yet, don’t fear the volcano. CITO events happen throughout the year. Find your opportunity here. If you did a CITO let’s see some of your pictures and video on Facebook. And Thank YOU!
You don’t know Judi Nordgren, but at the same time she’s probably as familiar as a favorite aunt. She’s described as a loving second mother to many, a woman with a heart as big as all outdoors and an avid motorcyclist. While you may know someone who fits Judi’s description, you’ll never have the pleasant opportunity to meet Judi. She passed away unexpectedly in 2005. She was 42.
Even though you can never meet her, Judi’s family wanted you to know her. They created a Travel Bug, “Riding with Judi.”
Its mission is to do what Judi had only dreamed. The Travel Bug wished to go around the world. The directions were simple, the message powerful and the act of those who helped “Riding with Judi” travel 29,157 miles can only be described as beautiful.
It took more than four years and 60 stops. But riding with Judi is now in the same state where the Travel Bug started its journey. All those who touched “Riding with Judi” with their hands, they also felt it in their hearts. Judi’s family felt it too.
They tell me they’re excited Judi has returned home and her wish to see the world honored by those who never meet her, but now know her.