Playa Chica (Diving Cache) — Geocache of the Week

by supermasteryoshi
Islas Canarias, Spain
N 28° 55.055′ W 013° 40.155′

Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming! Raise a fin if you’re up for a deep-sea adventure to earn a smiley! Join us as we dive into this Geocache of the Week, Playa Chica (Diving Cache) GC2E1FN.

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Geocache of the Week Flashback Edition: DSOM – Minero las piedras

by Pullermann
Islas Baleares, Spain
N 39° 35.789 E 002° 35.850

Difficulty 5, Terrain 5. It’s the ultimate combination! It’s a blend of the most intense mental challenge and strenuous physical journey in geocaching. Only about 7,700 geocaches around the world carry this unique D/T combo. 

Travel with us as we revisit DSOM – Minero las piedras (GC273NE), an unforgettable 5/5 Multi-Cache, and descend below the surface of the Spanish island of Mallorca.

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Sagrada Família — Geocache of the Week

Traditional Cache
by traginer
Cataluña, Spain
N 41° 24.183 E 002° 10.402

Our 2020 plans may have looked a little different, but many of us know the simple joy of caching while on vacation. While caching can take us to new places off the tourist trail, it can also enhance our experience at popular destinations. The Sagrada Família, a basilica in Barcelona, is the most visited landmark in Spain. Although cachers are delighted to be able to log a smiley here, the high amount of muggles means geocachers must break out their best geostealth moves at our Geocache of the Week, Sagrada Família (GC52N0E).

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Celebrate a year of medieval heritage with the Treasure of the Temple Knights GeoTour

Celebrating a year of adventures along Spain’s first GeoTour.

In the valleys of Saja and Nansa in western Cantabria, Spain, 148 geocaches await you on the Treasure of Temple Knights GeoTour (GT8C). In celebration of the one-year anniversary of Spain’s first GeoTour, the hosts have planned a weekend full of events. This is your opportunity to find caches in an array of terrains, from the sea to the mountains, that  make this GeoTour an unforgettable experience. Spanning an area of 1,000 square kilometers, this GeoTour was developed with the cultural and environmental heritage of the region in mind. There are even specific locations designed for kids based on mythological creatures!

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Celebra un año de patrimonio medieval con el GeoTour “Tesoro de los Templarios”

Celebrando un año de aventuras con el primer GeoTour de España.

En los valles de Saja Nansa, en el extremo occidental de Cantabria (España), te esperan 148 geocachés en el GeoTour del Tesoro de los Templarios (GT8C). Para celebrar el aniversario del primer GeoTour de España, los organizadores han programado un fin de semana repleto de eventos. Esta es tu oportunidad de encontrar caches en una serie de terrenos, del mar a las montañas, para que este GeoTour sea una experiencia inolvidable. Cruzando una superficie de 1 000 m2, este GeoTour se elaboró teniendo en cuenta el patrimonio cultural y ambiental de la región. ¡Hay incluso determinados lugares basados en criaturas mitológicas orientados a los niños!

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