Der Weg zum Führerschein 🚘 — Geocache of the Week

Letterbox Hybrid
by JaMaDuLi
Graubünden, Switzerland
N 46° 50.829′ E 009° 30.916′

Geocaching is a highway; we want to ride it all night long! Thankfully, geocachers don’t normally need a driver’s license to find a geocache, but this one is slightly different! So hop in the car, travel to Switzerland, and see if you can pass this driver’s test to find Der Weg zum Führerschein 🚘(GC8NKE4).

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A postcard from our friends

Our Cosmic Quest friends are having a blast finding different geocaches all around planet Earth. They’ve been sending us postcards from different geocaches around the world and we just received the postcard above today. Do you know which cache is pictured in the postcard? Share your guesses with us in the comments below!

Exploring history and stories at Waldviertel Geschichte und Geschichten Mega-Event in Horn, Austria

Geocaching HQ Lackeys attend dozens of Mega and Giga-Events around the world–shaking hands, frog feet, and friendly paws, sharing stories of adventures and geocaching! Geocaching HQ’s nykkole is the Lead, Senior Product Manager for the Mobile Team. She recently traveled to Austria to attend the Waldviertel Geschichte und Geschichten🌲📜📖 Mega-Event (GCA501G). Here’s her trip summary. Continue reading →

Na Zajezdni—Geocache of the Week

Traditional Cache
by MrBeerPL
Dolnośląskie, Poland
N 51° 05.829 E 016° 59.480

You know what they say: a picture is worth a thousand words. When it comes to this geocache, that might be the case!

Whether you’re an amateur doodler or a logbook Picasso, our Geocache of the Week has something for everyone. Break out your artistic skills and, more importantly, your creativity with Na Zajezdni (GCAE7E6)!

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