Introducing Creation Celebration Events

Carnivals across the world are an example of fun, passion, and creativity. Participants go to great lengths to make decorations, costumes, and plan parades.

Much like a carnival, geocaching would simply not exist without the people who channel their creativity and innovative spirit into making great experiences for others. So we’re welcoming all geocache owners (and folks who want to celebrate their favorite cache owners) to host events from March 25 – April 14, 2019 celebrating geocache creation to inspire the next generation of geocache makers.

We’re calling these events Creation Celebrations. Anyone who logs an “Attended” at a registered Creation Celebration event will earn a special souvenir!

How to qualify as a Creation Celebration event?
To qualify as a Creation Celebration event, your Event Cache must fulfill all regular Event Cache guidelines as outlined in the Geocache hiding guidelines. Additionally, it must meet these requirements:

  • The Event name must include the name: Creation Celebration
    • Example:  Creation Celebration: Seattle Gadget Cache Workshop
    • CITO events are not eligible to be Creation Celebrations
  • The Event must take place between March 25 and April 14, 2019.
  • The Event must last at least one hour.
  • The Event must highlight cache quality and/or cache creation. Possibilities include, but are not limited to:
    • Educational workshop (e.g., Let’s learn about the guidelines, nature protection, etc.)
    • “Build-A-Cache” workshop (e.g., Build your own custom cache container)
    • Activity workshop (e.g., climbing workshop)
    • Story sharing (e.g., What were some of your most epic adventures or favourite caches)

After your event has been published, submit it for approval by Geocaching HQ via this online form. Once submitted, you will receive further information via email.

If you have any further questions about this special Event series, read the FAQ section.

Thank you for celebrating cache quality and unique caches with us! Share your favorite caches or cache creation tips with #cachecarnival!

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