Treat Yourself: How to have a Happy Geo-ween

With Halloween just around the corner, you may be wondering how to add some geocaching fun into your celebration. Well, we say, treat yourself! …with these five un-boo-lievably fun ways to add a little spooky to your smiley.

Dress to impress. Witches are a dime a dozen, but have you ever seen a Travel Bug go trick or treating? There are some great options for creative and original geocaching themed costumes. Check out this post for some costume inspiration. 

Make a Halloween-themed cache. A cache with a clear theme is a great way to spread delight and earn Favorite points. Looking for ideas? Check out this article on how to turn your recyclables into a geocache—Halloween style!

Find a Halloween-themed cache. To the tune of the Monster Mash: 🎵”Just find the cache… just find the monnnnnster cache!”🎵 Find a monster cache near you. Consider using the new attribute search on the Geocaching® app or that could be considered Halloweeny, like Night cache or Abandoned Structure.

Log a “ghost.” Okay, not a real ghost…but the icon for a Virtual Cache is the cutest little ghost you’ve ever seen! Find a Virtual near you and discover the true spirit of geocaching. 

Carve a geocaching pumpkin. This is a great way to show off your geocaching pride to the whole neighborhood. Choose the classic geocaching four-square logo, or go for a cache icon or everyone’s favorite, Signal the Frog. Either way, it’s sure to get visitors asking about your pumpkin, and open the door for muggles to convert!

Are you planning on having a geocaching themed Halloween? Share your holiday ideas in the comments, and remember to have fun, be safe, and have a Happy Geo-ween!

Sarah is a French-speaking Marketing Coordinator at Geocaching HQ. She likes cats and musicals, but only separately. In her spare time you can find her knitting, snuggling her cat, and waiting impatiently for the next season of Cosmos.