Cache Hiding Themes—August: water and nautical
Water—we can’t live without it!
August’s cache hiding challenge was all about water and nautical-themed caches, and we are H2Oh-so-excited at the results! Take a look at just a few of the submissions that made a splash:
- GCAW1NQ—Run Aground at Blackberry’s Bridge
Image by zumby65. Ahoy, matey! Every sailor knows Blackberry’s Bridge is a dangerous pass for any ship to attempt. This pirate ship sits stranded, waiting for the tide to rise once more. Come and visit for a glimpse at their treasure. But beware—like any good hidden treasure, this logsheet won’t be in the first place ye look…
- GC9R6YA—GC Landanschluss
Image by huginxmunin_geocaching on Instagram. Image by N.vagus. Nothing’s more nautical than sailor’s knots! Take a moment to dock your vessel at this educational cache and learn about the history of maritime knots and their use at sea. Talk about “knot-ical”!
- GCARRZE—Jeux Olympquatiques
Image by jetwitaussi. Image by Tungstène. While not an official Olympic sport, here’s one tournament you don’t want to miss: swim-caching! Competitors will need to wade to this thematic Letterbox Hybrid and solve a puzzle to test their wits. Their prize? Handcrafted wooden medals, a new find, and ultimate bragging rights!
- GC6VPRH—Water en vuur
Image by team vos 2014. Image by Cachtje. Who doesn’t love a fire brigade? In the face of danger, they use water to heroically combat flames and provide assistance. In celebration of firefighter’s efforts, “Water and Fire” gets you up close to the fire station (with their permission, of course).
- GCATTG5—Auenlehm im Goldkanal
Image by slynie. Image by Sirene67. Have you ever found a Terrain 5 EarthCache? Here’s your opportunity! This picturesque hide on the Gold Channel requires a boat and your best geological deductions as you paddle your way to the island at GZ. Exercise and a geology lesson? Count us in!
Image by TonyhoZlato. Images by bobankovi and JezMys.cz. The sinking of the unsinkable ship is a moment well-known in history. Published on the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic, this Mystery Cache pays homage to the tragic incident with a beautifully-crafted model of the ship itself. Stop by and sign your name in the passenger list logbook before setting sail.
- GCAE6VA—You sank my Battleship! – A Battleship Challenge
Image by Morhoff. Image by giacaches. You sank my battleship! This line from the popular boardgame inspired a series of Battleship-themed caches. Whether you miss or sink a ship, each cache requires a boat to reach the themed containers. Not enough of a challenge? Try this challenge (cache) on for size: each cache in the series requires players to reach a boat or water-themed goal before logging their find. That’s a hit!
These caches certainly float about the rest!
Thank you to all the cache owners who satisfied our thirst for amazing caches by submitting your finds. We wish we could feature them all, but we’d need an Olympic-sized swimming pool to fit them all in one place!
September’s cache hiding theme is all about sneaky camouflage, and we want to see cool chameleon caches. Don’t hide your favorite finds! Submit your best camouflaged caches by filling out this form.