Germany’s Highest Letterbox — Geocache of the Week

by hubersports
Bavaria, Germany
N 47° 20.885 E 010° 12.946

A geocache that has the words “oldest”, “highest”, or “largest” in its title is bound to be interesting. Because—let’s face it—geocachers are drawn to extremes like a magnet is drawn to the underside of a park bench. But isn’t it especially great when the cache that’s the something-est is also just a really cool cache in itself?

That’s exactly what makes GC6F6C8 Geocache of the Week.

Yes, it’s the Höchste Letterbox Deutschlands (highest letterbox in Germany). It also has a remarkably beautiful view, is large enough to carry trackables, and greets you when you open it.

Geocachers 123MAINE in front of GC6F6C8
Geocachers 123MAINE in front of GC6F6C8

That’s right. When GC6F6C8  is opened or closed, the pastoral sound of a cowbell rings out. (You know, in case you’d missed the flowering meadows, towering white-capped peaks, and swinging cable-car next door and didn’t realize you were in the Bavarian Alps.)

The mailbox-like metal container is safely secured—it can only be opened with a key hidden in a nearby hide-a-key box—and for good reason. The cache is plainly visible and clearly labelled, making stealthiness a bit irrelevant.

Did we mention the cache is at a cable car station on the top of a very beautiful mountain?






Thanks to hubersports for placing and maintaining this bucket-list geocache!

Continue to explore some of the most amazing geocaches around the world.
Check out all of the Geocaches of the Week on the Geocaching blog. If you would like to nominate a Geocache of the Week, fill out this form.


Intersect 2.0 — Geocache of the Week

by family Behrens
Western Cape, South Africa
S 34° 11.630 E 018° 26.196
the perfect cache?

A multi-cache that leads you to a semi-secret spot in an old library rife with history, at which the first stage is an adorably disguised puzzle and the final is a hand-crafted tech-themed gadget cache with storage for as many trackable as one could ever need and a low chance of being muggled. Sound unreal?

It’s very real. In fact, it’s Geocache of the Week!

Near to Stage 1
Near stage 1 of Intersect 2.0

Located inside a library in a city outside of Cape Town, South Africa, “Intersect 2.0” is the epitome of a fun gadget multi-cache. The geocache was crafted by family Behrens and blends history with technology. Just as the Cache Owner was inspired to design this cache by another he’d previously found, finders of GC548HP are likely to come away with the itch to build their own super-cool gadget cache.

Stage 1

Visitors to the brick-walled reading garden of the Simon’s Town Library will find a quiet and picturesque place to read in solitude—or so they think.

Tucked discretely in a corner of the garden is a gnome pulling a cart full of pebbles…also known as stage one. The geocacher who spots the gnome will discover within a few seconds that his cart bears a load much more exciting than stones.

Stage 1 - Gnome
A gnome wearily bears the burden of stage 1

Contained within the cart are all the tools the geocacher will need to discover the code for stage two of the cache…but it won’t be easy. Inside the lock-n-lock is a block containing a series of wires. Touching the correct two wires together turns on a light on the block, indicating the correct code for stage two. Geocachers beware! Touching the wrong two wires together more than six times will lead to significant frustration.

The contents of Gnome's cart.
The contents of the gnome’s cart
Stage 2 (Final)

The final is inside of the Simon’s Town Library with permission from the library. The top drawer of the cupboard (which, by the way, was built by the cache owner by hand) can be unlocked using the code from Stage 1.

Inside is a working laptop with a set of detailed instructions explaining what the geocacher needs to do in order to unlock the code for the next drawer.

PicMonkey Collage
The final puzzle of Intersect 2.0

Finally, the second drawer can be opened and its contents revealed. In addition to a shelf dedicated to swag and special hangers for trackables, there’s a second laptop. But, mysteriously, no logbook yet. The cacher will need to do a bit of exploring to find the logbook itself.

The final - completely open!
The final – completely open

As far as maintaining this cache goes, the Cache Owner says that’s the easy part: “The only maintenance I have done is to replace the batteries in the cache. […] The fact that the cache is placed in a secure location and well locked up helps. I think as far as maintenance goes this one has been my easiest cache to maintain.”

At 43 favorite points, this cache has a 100% favorite point ratio—in other words, every Premium member who has visited this cache has awarded it a favorite point!

Words from the Cache Owner:

I would like to say a big thank you to the geocaching community for making our life full of smiles. Since we started geocaching life has become fun and as a family we love caching and getting out there finding caches and new experiences, that without geocaching we would not have done.

Continue to explore some of the most amazing geocaches around the world.
Check out all of the Geocaches of the Week on the Geocaching blog. If you would like to nominate a Geocache of the Week, fill out this form.

The Secret Whitelist — Geocache of the Week

Mystery Cache
by El abnorgollums724
N 47° 22.913 E 008° 51.881

“The Secret Whitelist” is a well-crafted, highly entertaining dramatic comedy short film and mystery cache.

The clues that will lead you to its final location are hidden within the film, created by and starring the cache owners: El Tornado, abnorMali, sven724 & die-gollums.

When the film opens, geocachers have been disappearing under mysterious circumstances left and right, and the frantic and frightened Thomas Upper finds himself next in line. He suspects the criminal organization, the Muggles, who target geocachers and geocaches, are behind it all. The police are no help.

Upper knows he must be added to the Whitelist, a list of geocachers who’ve paid protection money to the Muggles in exchange for being left alone. He appeals to David Öseler—a disheveled, rookie detective who loves his drink—who agrees to take the case. “My first case!” he says. “And maybe my last.

Detective Öseler listens intently as Upper describes the situation.

The detective calls an associate of his, and a meeting is set up. After an exchange of the secret code (“A crocodile is like this: the greener it is, the more swim…” and “In the winter, it’s colder than outside…”) they get down to business.

Öseler meets a strange stranger in an underground parking lot (even stranger!)

The detective’s associate shows him which tools he’ll need to locate the secret Whitelist. He warns the detective, “The Muggles are more hostile than ever.”

The secret contact shows Oseler what he'll need to find the Whitelist.
The secret contact shows Oseler what he’ll need to find the Whitelist.

And after that, the viewer is told to slip into the role of the Detective, and begin the hunt for the Whitelist! The viewer has all the same tools and clues at their disposal as the detective…that is, if they paid attention!

In the seven months since being published, the cache has earned 94 favorite points (a 90% favorite rating).

The team that created this cache were elated by the response from the community. “Wir wollten etwas ganz spezielles auf die Beine stellen. Wir waren überzeugt, dass dieser MultiMystery bei der Community gut ankommen wird. Dass dieser so einen Hype auslösen würde, hat uns doch überrascht.” [We set out to create something truly unique. We were shocked at the incredibly positive response from the community. The fact that it generated such a hype really surprised us.]

The cache owners had this to say to the geocaching community: “Als erstes möchten wir uns bei der Community bedanken, für die positiven Feedbacks und die tollen langen Logs, die geschrieben wurden. Danke auch an alle Cacheowner für die unzähligen tollen Caches die wir besuchten und die wir noch besuchen dürfen. Passt auf die Muggels auf!” [First of all, we want to thank the Community for the positive feedback we’ve received and all the great logs that have been written. Thanks also to all the cache owners out there for countless amazing geocaches that we visited, and that we may still visit. Watch out for the Muggles!]

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Continue to explore some of the most amazing geocaches around the world.
Check out all of the Geocaches of the Week on the Geocaching blog. If you would like to nominate a Geocache of the Week, fill out this form.

Samedi prochain nous célébrerons la Journée Internationale du Géocaching

Samedi 20 août (c’est-à-dire la Journée internationale du Géocaching) arrive à grands pas — et il en est de même pour la ligne d’arrivée de milliers d’objets voyageurs embarqués dans la Course de Canards du HQ.

Ces objets voyageurs font la course vers des events se déroulant lors de la Journée Internationale du Géocaching. Vous pouvez participer à cette course en organisant votre propre event le 20 août — et vous amuser à voir quelques canards mortels franchir la ligne d’arrivée.

En plus, vous pourrez obtenir le souvenir de la Journée Internationale du Géocaching 2016 en participant à un event ou en loguant une cache le 20 août. (Des points de Bonus si vous réalisez les deux !)