Uncover a new world of Hidden Creatures
Recently, 13 sightings of magical creatures and otherworldly beings have been reported. Embark on a global adventure to try to witness these mythical creatures in their unique habitats. From June 27 through July 25, earn up to 13 mythical creature souvenirs by finding geocaches and attending events.
For centuries, Hidden Creatures have fueled the imagination and provided supernatural explanations for the world around us. Once written off as simple mythology, a recent series of events now indicate these creatures might actually be real. Your challenge is to look for these creatures in their natural habitats and confirm the existence of as many as you can.
Each week a new habitat will be introduced, beginning with Hidden Creatures of the forest and ending with a magical creature who lives among the stars. See how fast you can witness all of the creatures or take your time to find each one over all four weeks, the challenge is up to you!
Find geocaches or attend events to increase your chances of seeing these mythical creatures and earn up to 13 souvenirs. Plus, share your adventures with #hiddencreatures for a chance to be featured on the Geocaching Blog.
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