Worldwide exploration with family and friends—interview with gc_scout4

Meet Wiesje, one-fourth of the Dutch geocaching team, scout 4. Since 2007, she has found over 2,300 geocaches in 15 countries with her family, and she’s just getting started. Wiesje documents all her geocaching adventures on her Instagram account, gc_scout4.

Join us as we learn about Weisje and how she started geocaching, her tips for geocaching with family and friends, and what she’s looking forward to most with her next journey.

Geocaching HQ: What’s the story behind your username? How and when did you hear about geocaching?
Scout 4” is the team name we chose as a family of four when we started geocaching back in 2007. My dad, mom, sister, and I felt like real scouts when we went out with all the tools and the GPS, so that’s where the name comes from. My uncle (Team WilP) is a big geocaching enthusiast. He introduced us to his hobby when I was twelve years old. He even got me my first Travel Bug® for my birthday! Because of him, geocaching became our hobby, too, and it has stayed that way ever since. I’m 29 years old now, and I still often go geocaching with my dad or with my best friend, Nick.

Wiesje with her friend Nick in Maashorst, Netherlands.

Geocaching HQ: What’s your background outside of geocaching?
I’m a producer at one of the biggest radio stations in the Netherlands. Radio programs, podcasts, events, you name it, and I fix it. My job is all about being creative, solving problems, and keeping stuff organized. And these skills come in very handy with geocaching! Besides that, I love to travel; from backpacking in South Africa to swimming with orcas in Norway, I’m trying to explore the whole world and see as many wild animals as possible. I certainly got my love for being outdoors from my parents. My dad even worked outside for his entire working life for a Dutch government organization for forestry and the management of nature reserves. They taught me everything about trees, flowers, and animals from a young age!

Geocaching HQ: When did you start documenting your geocache finds on social media? What’s your favorite part of sharing your adventures online?
It all started with my endless scrolling on Instagram, searching for more adventures from other geocachers around the world. I even created Lists to save the most amazing geocaches I came across, categorized by country. As I immersed myself further in the community, I thought: “This is something I want to be a part of too!” And that is how @gc_scout4 was born in 2022. I believe Instagram is the perfect way to discover exciting geocache adventures in places you’ve never been before. I really enjoy helping people or recommending geocaches. And isn’t it awesome when someone discovers a new hobby because of our enthusiasm?


Geocaching HQ: What’s your favorite video you created?
I think that’s my latest video: the one with the zipline in Germany, GC4N9R6; I filmed it with my friend, Nick. He takes almost all the photos and videos where you see me in action, so all credits go to him! It was so much fun to do and it was the first time we filmed with two cameras to make a cool edit. And let’s not forget about that video with the bowling balls, GC9G0TB! That cache was very creative, and a lot of people liked it and asked me for the GC code.


Geocaching HQ: Geocaching is a great family activity. What’s your favorite part about geocaching with your family?
My dad, Hans, says: “It’s super important to spend a lot of time together and have fun with hobbies like this!” And I totally agree. We are always up for the most challenging caches, and we’re always equipped with a lot of tools: magnets, a ladder, waders, and a fishing rod to fish a geocache out of a tree—it’s crazy, but we love it. Every adventure feels like team-building: we help each other out, and we’re really proud of ourselves when we tackle a tricky geocache. Plus, we have a lot of laughs together, and isn’t that what matters most?

Geocaching with her dad, Hans.

Geocaching HQ: What has been your favorite geocaching moment so far?
This is a difficult question! Maybe the moment Nick and I decided to travel to the Azores because of two GeoTours we saw on the map was an amazing adventure! And geocaching by night—I have a lot of stories to tell about that; The silent darkness of the R6 (N8-cache) (GC7VXGN). Can I explain this question with some photos ;)?

Geocaching HQ: What tips do you have for finding family-friendly geocaches?
I always check if there are geocaches with many favorite points. That’s already a good indication of success. You can also filter geocaches on, for example, your favorite Attributes or type, so definitely check that out. Then I read the description, and I always read some of the latest logs. And, of course, my “secret weapon” is social media! Follow other accounts, check their coolest finds, and ask if they have some recommendations.

Geocaching HQ: How would you explain geocaching to a non-geocacher?
It’s a never-ending real-life treasure hunt game that you can play all over the world. You learn about the most random topics, spend plenty of time outdoors, and are active while having fun (alone or with family and friends). You can go crazy with tools and puzzles or just relax and enjoy your surroundings. AND I bet you’ll discover new places you wouldn’t discover without geocaching. So, what are you waiting for? ;)? Go out and play!

Geocaching in the Azores.

Geocaching HQ: If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you like to visit first?
If I have to choose now, I’ll go for the road trip I’ve been planning for a long time: Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe. I would like to go camping there to spot as many wild animals as possible, and of course, I’ve already checked to see if there are some geocaches to find on my route ;)! Oh, and I love to travel for GeoTours, too; this one is high on my to-do list in Europe: Castle Road GeoTour (GT4AC).

Geocaching HQ: How and where can people find you and your geocaching content?
You can find me on Instagram! I post my geocaching adventures at @gc_scout4. I’m a big fan of routes with a good story and challenging tasks. From GeoTours to night caches and from city trips to wilderness trails, I’m all in for the adventure! And if you have any questions or need tips, feel free to send me a DM!

Geocaching in Haarlem, Netherlands.
Mackenzie is a Senior Community Manager at Geocaching HQ. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest she loves finding new geocaches and exploring the area. You will typically find her out on the coast discovering new lighthouses.