Come together to break the record

Our goal of setting a record for the most explorers caching on the same day is a lofty one, but we’ve got a couple of superpowers up our sleeve: the power of the global geocaching community, and the power of friendship! We feel pretty good about our chances. Read on for ways to come together with friends and community on International Geocaching Day, August 20, to help make history.

Turn a muggle friend into a geocacher friend
We all know those muggles that seem like they’re born geocachers, but haven’t yet discovered the wonderful world of geocaching. Invite them to join you on a cache outing on August 20!

Host a local Event
August 20 is the day we’re aiming to set a geocaching world record, and it’s also the day of the Geocaching 20th Anniversary Celebration in Seattle. Even if you can’t be in Seattle, you can still join us in celebrating and setting a new record. Host your own Event in your area and everyone who posts an “Attended” log will count towards the record. If you received a Community Celebration Event and haven’t hosted it yet, August 20 would be a great day for it!

Make it a family affair
Besides being a great hobby to do with friends, geocaching is also a great hobby to take part in as a family. Make Saturday, August 20 a day for family fun and take the whole crew on an outdoor expedition to hunt for geocaches and help break a record. Make sure everyone logs with their own account to count towards setting the new record.

Set a team goal
Work towards multiple goals together. In addition to the world record, gather your geo-buddies and plan an outing that will also help Signal escape the labyrinth or help you fill your fizzy grid. Whatever motivates you, International Geocaching Day is perfect for challenging yourself to experience all facets of your favorite game.

How will you come together to break the record? Tell us in the comments below!

Genevieve is a Marketing Manager at Geocaching HQ.