An illustration of a gadget cache attached to a fence. A plaque on it reads 2022, and the scroll is set to read Hider.

Year of the Hide: last chance to earn your 2022 hider souvenir 😱

Have you earned your 2022 Year of the Hide souvenir? Has your newest cache inspired awe and joy in every geocacher intrepid enough to log it? Have you helped the community refresh and revitalize the game board this year by hiding a cache of any kind this year?

If not, don’t worry! You still have until December 17th, 2022* to submit your Year of the Hide geocache for review, and earn yourself the 2022 hider souvenir!

*Geocaches and Event-Caches are reviewed by community volunteers. If your cache is complicated or you are new to the hiding process make sure to allow extra time for review.

The 2022 hider souvenir has been available for any caches hidden from March 1st, to December 31st, 2022, which means you still have plenty of time to earn it!

Whether you’re a geocache hiding veteran, or this is your very first hide and you’re scratching your head about how to give your local community a new, exciting caching experience, it’s always important to remember some of the key cache ownership tips:

  • An informed approach will always render the best results; try to find at least 20 caches before deciding to hide your own, that way you’re best equipped to consider the seemingly infinite possibilities when it comes to cache design and implementation.
  • Remember to read and follow the geocache hiding guidelines.
  • The northern hemisphere is quickly approaching winter and any caches that are hidden might not be accessible until spring. In this case, a great alternative to earn the hider souvenir is by hosting an Event for geocachers in your community!
  • All caches must be reviewed. So keep in mind that whatever you hide will require communication with, and respect for, your local volunteer reviewers!

If you already hid a cache this year, but before March 1st, there’s no better time than the present to hide ANOTHER cache and be awarded the souvenir. Year of the Hide is all about refreshing the gameboard and promoting overall health for the pastime we love. As some older caches are archived, the game requires new caches worldwide to challenge, delight, and inspire this incredible community of geocachers.

We’re in the home stretch, let’s finish 2022- the Year of the Hide- strong! While you’re at it, don’t forget to use #2022Hide to show off your ideas and achievements on Instagram and Facebook!

Lackey, friend, 70% water. Add me on The official Geocaching® app: @ThomCruz