Playa Chica (Diving Cache) — Geocache of the Week

by supermasteryoshi
Islas Canarias, Spain
N 28° 55.055′ W 013° 40.155′

Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming! Raise a fin if you’re up for a deep-sea adventure to earn a smiley! Join us as we dive into this Geocache of the Week, Playa Chica (Diving Cache) GC2E1FN.

Located in the Canary Islands on the Island of Lanzarote, this Multi-Cache has multiple stages and takes place on land and in the sea. Geocachers are required first to scuba dive to collect essential information and then bring it back to land to find the geocache. So suit up, and let’s jump right in!

Image by bezzico.

Once every geocacher is suited up in diving equipment, it’s time to enter the water at the following coordinates: N 28° 55,140’ W 13° 40,100’.

From this spot, dive straight out of the bay and swim for ~229 feet (70 meters). At this point, geocachers should reach the edge of the reef. At the bottom of the reef, notice a wreck rests about ~108 feet (33 meters) below.

Image by supermasteryoshi.

Colorful fish and sealife circle all around the reef. Bright orange and yellow schools of fish dart past as you descend closer to the bottom. The silence of the water provides a meditative opportunity to slow down and enjoy the journey on your descent. Notice the neon colors of the anemones and coral that come into focus as you near the wreck.

Follow the reef to the right side and search for a tube and a concrete block on the ocean floor. At the end of the tube, locate a commemorative plaque; this is where you need to collect information to find the final location on land.

Image by bezzico.

Collect the following information:
The date in the middle of the plaque: a-b-c (Day-Month-Year)
The names in the last line: numbers of all letters = d
All three dimensions of the plaque: x, y, z in cm, x>y>z

Once the key information is completed, it’s time to swim back to shore and work on the calculations.

Image by scottish_trolls.

Back on land, it’s time to dry off, find your land legs, and start the trek to the final location. The journey to the final should not take long, but be careful because navigating the rocks may prove difficult. Geocachers will find what they’re looking for along the rocky edge between the rocks. Watch for a regular-size tupperware nestled away from the crashing waves and sea air.

Image by TWC17.

Before you know it, the geocache is in hand, and the epic land-sea adventure comes to a close. Not every geocache outing requires such extreme gear and time, but when it does, you know it will be a geocache you’ll never forget! You never know what whole new world you’ll discover while geocaching!

Images by legguM.

Continue to explore some of the most amazing geocaches around the world. Check out all of the Geocaches of the Week on the Geocaching blog. If you would like to nominate a Geocache of the Week, fill out this form.

Mackenzie is a Senior Community Manager at Geocaching HQ. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest she loves finding new geocaches and exploring the area. You will typically find her out on the coast discovering new lighthouses.