Geocaching, photography, and biking: A triple adventure combo—interview with suzi_geocaching_on_bike

Zuzanna, also known as Zuzixi on or suzi_geocaching_on_bike on Instagram, has been documenting her geocaching adventures since 2021. Cache along as we learn what inspires her, tips for new geocachers, and her favorite parts about geocaching!

So, what captures suzi_geocaching_on_bike’s eye? Read on to find out!

Geocaching HQ: What’s your background outside of geocaching? Tell us a little bit about yourself!

My name is Zuzanna! (It’s nice to meet you.) I come from a city in south-eastern Poland, Europe. Every day, I spend most of my time running my own business. My business focuses on international trade. I cooperate with people from all over the world every day. Whenever I have free time, I love riding a bike – that’s where my Instagram account name suzi_geocaching_on_bike comes from. Besides riding bikes, I love history, discovering forgotten places, and hiking, which gives me the greatest joy. Geocaching often allows me to discover places I had no idea about before. Cycling and geocaching combine my two passions!

Suzi_geocaching_on_bike geocaching!

Geocaching HQ: How and when did you hear about geocaching?

I first learned about geocaching in 2017. My friends told me about their search for a Dutch cache. The geocache was in owl camouflage and was a decoration in a garden. I found it very surprising! So, I immediately checked the app to see what I could find in my area! It turned out that this fun is also in my city. I think I found all the caches in my city in one day.

After finding all the traditional caches, it was time for Multi-Cache (GC7AX4A). It was a cache about the story of a witch who, according to legend, haunts the city at night! The final Multi-Cache was a beautifully designed birdhouse with a cache inside.

Geocaching HQ: What’s your username and the story behind it?

It’s funny, but I operate under two names! My geocaching username is Zuzixi, which is a modified form of my name Zuzia, Zuzanna. For Instagram users, I am better known as suzi_geocaching_on_bike, a combination of everything I like the most. 🙂

Geocaching in Poland.

Geocaching HQ: When did you start documenting your geocache finds on social media? What’s your favorite part of sharing your adventures online?

I posted my first post online in June 2021. It was a cache in the form of a water bottle. I had already watched people show their adventures and was very inspired. The form of the cache seemed very funny to me! So I decided to show it to others.

I think the best part for me is simply to contact other geocaching users who follow me on Instagram! It’s amazing how many people from all over the world I managed to meet thanks to this. We often exchange interactions, experiences, and comments! It’s great!

Geocaching HQ: What is something that surprised you about geocaching?

Apart from being a great way to spend free time, the best part of geocaching is the community! I met a lot of people thanks to geocaching! Both local users and people from all over the world! Exchange of experiences, conversations, exchanges Travel Bug®, and other gadgets! It’s a really great vibe!

Geocaching in the UK.

Geocaching HQ: What is your go-to cache type or style?

I have two types: Traditional Caches and Mystery Caches. I’m a fan of jigsaws, so I have a list of Mystery Caches around the world that need jigsawing. 🙂

Geocaching HQ: If you could plan your dream geocaching vacation, where would you go, and who would you bring with you? And why?

I think that now, none of my vacations can take place without geocaching, at least to a minimal extent. But use your imagination for a moment. I think my dream vacation would be Iceland! These wonderful and breathtaking views, fjords, and northern lights. Has anyone visited Iceland by bike? Let me know! 🙂

Geocaching at King Alfred’s Tower in Bruton, UK.

Geocaching HQ: What finding tips do you have for someone who’s never geocached before or is a new geocacher?

In my opinion, it is best to first take the time to read the description and logs of previous users. You can check whether others also had trouble finding it, before you mark a DNF! Please remember that some caches are very sneaky! You never know what the owner of the cache has prepared for us.

Don’t be afraid to ask the owner, other geocaching users, or even people dealing with this context on Instagram, like me and many other people. And the best advice for every cacher! Always have at least two pens with you! 🙂

Geocaching HQ: What’s your favorite piece of geocaching content you created?

I think I’ll just show you now my favorite photo that I created.

Geocaching in Wyręby, Poland.

Geocaching HQ: How and where can people find you and your geocaching content?

I invite everyone curious about my adventures to my Instagram account, suzi_geocaching_on_bike! If you have any questions, feel free to send me a DM! I’m always willing and happy to talk about geocaching!

Mackenzie is a Senior Community Manager at Geocaching HQ. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest she loves finding new geocaches and exploring the area. You will typically find her out on the coast discovering new lighthouses.