Adventure Lab® Spotlight: Scary stories to tell in the dark Venice

With Halloween just around the corner, we’re getting in the spooky spirit. Cachers can find this Adventure, Scary stories to tell in the dark Venice, in the heart of one of Italy’s most iconic cities. With its Renaissance history, elegant architecture, and enchanting canals, Venice is known for its beauty; but a city with so much history has its fair share of ghostly tales. These Locations are sure to send shivers down your spine.

The Scary stories to tell in the dark Venice Adventure, created by su_man_uel, has five stages that connect to five haunting legends which, according to su_man_uel, “belong to the secret part of Venice that perhaps not everyone knows.” In the Adventure Lab® app, cachers can read the story for each stage in Italian in the description of the Location. Each stage also has a YouTube link to videos that tell the stories in English. The stories take cachers beyond the typical image of gondolas floating along canals and into Venetian myths and legends, such as the telling of a mermaid who was turned into a snake by a curse, or a Renaissance aristocrat whose pet monkey tried to take his soul.

One stage of the Adventure that especially stands out is the story of the Mastelli brothers. At this Location, cachers visit a group of stone statues that are supposedly petrified figures of the cursed siblings. According to legend, the Mastelli brothers were silk merchants who overcharged customers for poor quality silks. After a confrontation with a frustrated shopper, the brothers said “May the Lord turn us into stone if this is not the best cloth in Venice.” Well, as the saying goes, the customer is always right.

This Adventure highlights the storytelling power of Adventure Lab® as it shares history and takes adventurers to physical locations that bring these legends to life right in front of them. Anyone who has the chance to go on this Adventure is sure to remember the scary stories and their experience walking through the “secret part of Venice” long after they log the last Location.

Genevieve is a Marketing Manager at Geocaching HQ.