The Ghost of Unfound Caches needs help

A geocaching ghost story.

A Geocaching HQ visitor recently shared a chilling tale:

“I was hiking not too far from here when a ghostly spectre appeared. The transparent figure was chained to an ammo can.

‘Am I in the presence of a ghost?’ I asked. The ghost answered not, but pointed onward with its pen.

‘You are about to show me the geocaches I have not yet found — those cursed hides that haunt my sleep?’

The ghost inclined its head, as if to agree. Then a logbook appeared, seemingly conjured from thin air. In the logbook, these words were written:

Look upon me. I am the Ghost of Unfound Caches. I haunt the hides you have not found: the caches of your past you did not look for, those you searched for but DNF’d, and the caches you do not yet know exist.

Find them. Free me from these Haunted Hides.”

The Ghost of Unfound Caches needs our help.

October 29–31: Unlock the Haunted Hides souvenir.

Find a geocache or attend a geocaching event between October 29–31, 2016, to free the Ghost of Unfound Caches from its ghostly prison and unlock the Haunted Hides souvenir.

Night Caches are a great way to earn this ghostly souvenir. Learn more about Night Caches here.

Trails now in app.

Trails map type now in Geocaching® app

Some of the best geocaches are found off the beaten path.

Like this one…

Table Mountain
On the path to Table Mountain (GCN5VD). Photo by Love.

…and this one….

Valley of Fire State Park
In the Valley of Fire State Park (GC3AQRC). Photo by Love.

…and definitely this one.

Mt. Rainier EarthCache
Summiting Mt. Rainier (GCPZBX). Photo by Love.

With our latest Geocaching® app update, we added the Trails map type to help you find these hard-to-reach geocaches and to find the caches hidden right in your neighborhood park. This feature uses open-source maps to show trails in cities, parks, and wild spaces.

Here’s a peek inside the app:

Select your preferred map type.

chose trail maps

Navigate to a geocache using Trails.



Get the app.

Do you have tips for finding geocaches in rugged terrain? Tell us in the comments below!

Don’t miss this FTF!

In the geocaching world, adding an FTF badge to your Geocaching profile is a rite of passage. It is an honor earned through hard work and constant vigilance. Good news, wannabe FTF’ers! From October 10–16, you’ll finally have a chance to snag the FTF you always dreamed of.

Well, sort of.

Will you “Friend to Find”?

Geocaching is better with friends. From October 10–16, you may not be the first to find* a new geocache, but you will have the excuse you’ve been waiting for to take your “muggle” friends caching.

All participants will receive a prestigious Friend to Find (FTF) badge** to add to their Geocaching profile. Winning photos will be featured on the Geocaching Blog.

How to participate:

  1. Tell your non-geocacher friends to sign up for a Geocaching account.
  2. Between October 10 and October 16, 2016, take these friends to find their first geocache
  3. Photograph your adventure together.
  4. Submit your photo and geocache log no later than Monday, October 17 at 11:59pm PST.

Your friends can try Geocaching Premium, free for 30 days.

From October 10–16, your newbie friends can explore the game at its finest with Geocaching Premium.

Start your 30-day free trial.

*But by all means, please do go get a First to Find (FTF) on a geocache anyway. You can do it!

** Badges will be emailed to participants the week following Friend to Find week.