Cache In Trash Out® (CITO) announcement for 2020

Earth is a tiny blue dot suspended in the vastness of space. It is home to liquid water, breathable atmosphere, abundant flora and fauna, and the only geocaching community in the universe. 

Since we live on the only planet—so far!⁠—with geocaches, geocachers understand how important it is to protect it. Cache In Trash Out® (CITO) is an environmental initiative supported by the geocaching community. Since 2002, CITO has helped preserve cache-friendly spaces. In that time, more than 470,000 people have volunteered at over 24,000 events in 124 countries.

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Chalking The Horse: It’s the Neigh-borly Thing to Do — Interview With CITO Host The Wombles

Cache In Trash Out® (CITO) is an environmental initiative supported by the geocaching community. Since 2002, CITO helps preserve the natural beauty of cache-friendly spaces. In that time, more than 363,000 people have volunteered at 18,000 events.

Lots of cachers think of CITO as a chance to pick up trash—which it definitely is. But the events are not limited to this—it’s also a chance to preserve the integrity of cache-friendly places in other outside-of-the-box ways!

The Wombles is a British geocacher who has taken improving mother earth to a whole new level. He hosts regular CITOs, among them a recurring crowd favorite—Wombling free – Chalking the Horse—meaning that, if you’re in the UK, you can attend!

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