Episode 50: The Lackey geocoin with HQ’s Roxxy

In the early years of Geocaching HQ (when it was known as Groundspeak), Lackeys came up with a gift idea for visitors to the Seattle office: a geocoin featuring digital icons of everyone who worked there. The Lackey geocoin was born.

HQ’s Roxxy has designed 11 of the 15 Lackey coins. In this episode, learn about how she approaches this big project each year.

You can listen to the episode via this page, or on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. If you use an aggregator to subscribe to podcasts, you can access the RSS feed here.

A full transcript is available here. Learn more about Roxxy and the Lackey geocoin in the Geocaching Blog.

Inside Geocaching HQ Podcast
Inside Geocaching HQ Podcast
Episode 50: The Lackey geocoin with HQ's Roxxy
Phenomenal geocaching community

Phenomenal geocaching community stories from 2017

Phenomenal geocaching community
Phenomenal geocaching community

A golden ammo box full of juicy geocaching secrets travels around France! A beloved German geocaching rock band retires after 10 years! A wheelchair-bound geocacher simultaneously nabs his first T5 and his 1,000th cache!

Geocachers have always done great things and this past year was no exception. Here are some of the most phenomenal geocaching community stories from 2017.

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Geocaching Shop Elves: Phil, Mark, Janelle, Gary, and Dylan

Geocaching Shop Elves holiday gift guide!

Geocaching Shop Elves: Phil, Mark, Janelle, Gary, and Dylan
Geocaching Shop Elves: Phil, Mark, Janelle, Gary, and Dylan

Wondering what to get that special geocacher in your life this holiday season?

Finding the perfect gift for a geocacher is just like finding a geocache—you earn a smiley for both! Here are ten gift ideas for geocachers that are Favorite point worthy! 

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GC70MTZ Demank, July 5. The event that started it all.

Are you crazy?!? No, I’m Radu! Geo-cycling through 16 countries in 5 months.


GC70MTZ Denmank, July 5. The event that started it all.
GC70MTZ Denmank, July 5. The event that started it all.

Radu Clapa (Radu C) is Romanian-born and now resides in Denmark. He does not own much in the way of special gear, equipment, or clothing, and insists many people could do what he’s done if they just have the willpower. He swears he’s a normal guy.

Except this “normal guy” is doing the exceptional: geocaching on a bicycle through 16 countries, focusing on T5s, Virtual Caches, Webcams, and oh, about 1,400 other “regular” geocaches. He calls the journey, “Geocaching Bicycle Touring Europe 2017”, or GBTE2017.

His 7,800 km (4900 mi) adventure started in Denmark on July 5th and will end on Wednesday, November 15th in Romania. Here’s his story.

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The Froggy GeoCoin when it was brand new

3 countries + 2 geocachers + 1 geocoin = an incredible twist of fate

Gabi, Mary, and the My Froggy Friend geocoin
Gabi, Mary, and the My Froggy Friend geocoin

A German geocacher and a Canadian geocacher walked into a geocaching event… well, they actually met at an event, and through a twist of fate, discovered they had something amazing in common.

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