Geocache of the Week: Twin Pirates Treasure Hunt

by MrFisherman
N 41° 19.895′ W 081° 27.405′

Ahoy! Any true pirate knows th’ best treasures be hidden far away from th’ shore, tucked away, ‘n safe from bein’ picked off by scalawags (muggles). Legend has it that a cap’n (cacheowner) by th’ name o’ MrFisherman hid thar treasure deep in th’ woods. Four pieces o’ th’ booty map be in th’ vast wilderness awaitin’ discovery ‘n be put together.

Now be advised, th’ mosquitoes in them thar waters be as large as whales! So in th’ heat of the summer, bring yer harpoon or a bottle o’ bug repellent. Beware this be no ordinary treasure hunt. She covers about nigh-on o’ ankle twistin’ trails ‘n a good amount o’ bushwackin’, but she’s worth a bag o’ gold!

A treasure chest awaits ye at th’ final stage o’ th’ Multi-Cache. Will ye live to tell th’ tale o’ th’ Twin Pirates Treasure Hunt?

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The journey’s begun and your ship’s underway!

Don’t be afraid to take the lead, to earn the next map piece you already have everything that you need! This week, you can work individually to find a trackable or drop one anew, you’ll earn 10 coins for every one that you do. Remember, you can gather gold coins on the Friend League in more than one way, so review the points below to decide how you want to play!  Earn 10 gold coins from July 24-30, 2017 to earn the second map piece souvenir!

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